
Pros and cons of moving to Turkey

Pros and cons of moving to Turkey

Recently, Turkey is often considered for business relocation and obtaining a residence permit, as well as a stopover point on the way to Europe. You can get a residence permit by all known methods: by work or study visa, by marriage or proof of kinship with Turkish citizens, as well as by purchasing real estate. Residence permit is valid for about a year, after which it must be extended.
Below we consider the pros and cons of living in Turkey.


The sea, mountains, palm trees, clean air, and mild climate are the first things that people who plan to move to Turkey pay attention to. The average annual temperature in the same Istanbul is +15 degrees, which undoubtedly attracts residents of more northern countries.
To live in Turkey is to stay among the many natural beauties and unique places. The Green Canyon, Lake Van, Cappadocia, Pamukkale, Köprülü Canyon - are just a few places where the whole family can go on weekends.


Friendly, open-minded people are another plus of life in Turkey. They show care and respect for their elders and respect family values. Turks are open and always try to help. They are tolerant of people of other nationalities. There are about 15 million people living in Istanbul, among them people of different nationalities, races, religions. Turkey was in the top 30 most hospitable countries, taking 26th place out of 199 countries. Such a diverse society obliges us to get along with each other and create a multicultural environment.
Products and goods. Quality food, natural products are another major plus in Turkey. Year-round in local markets and supermarkets you can buy fresh fruits and vegetables. In general, the cost of products and the average check in local restaurants is 30-35% lower than in Moscow.
Restaurants offer delicious and varied food. In large cities there is food delivery, such as Yemeksepeti and Getir. 
Clothing, fabrics, tableware, jewelry in Turkey are also famous for their quality. In 2020, Turkey has surpassed even the U.S. in world exports of clothing. Not for nothing the tourists who come here, be sure to plan time for shopping.

Explicit and hidden disadvantages


Living in Turkey is mostly living without centralized hot heating, and sometimes the water supply. This can bring discomfort in the winter, because you need to heat water to a comfortable temperature and deal with the heating of the house by air conditioning or electric radiators. Another option is to install gas. Turks also pay aidat - a fee for the maintenance of housing and the surrounding area. 
Aidat can be 10-100 lire. In general, maintenance of housing with municipal charges, all municipal utilities, property taxes (about 100 euros) could afford 1500 euros a year for a 1 +1 apartment.


Not many people know English in Turkey, so explaining is sometimes problematic. Russian is known in resort areas, which might be easier.
Without the Turkish language there is nowhere, so try to learn it as soon as possible upon arrival, or even before you move here. English is spoken in the bazaar as part of the buy and sell, and in restaurants or in the streets you probably won't get an answer. If you are going to move, you should definitely learn Turkish. For example, in Istanbul free municipal courses ISMEK are offered. 


 It will be difficult for migrants to find a job, especially if you do not know the Turkish language, because priority is given to locals. At the same time, a residence permit in Turkey does not give the right to an official job. Someone works unofficially, someone looking for companies that can employ. 
Although if you work in tourism, beauty industry and real estate sales, the chances of finding a job are greater. You can get a job with a work visa.
2022-10-06 14:26